Assess, Empower, Protect

At Boltech, we provide tailored Risk Assessments, Mitigations, and Training Solutions to safeguard our clients' operations and protect their digital assets, while upholding Confidentiality and Privacy.

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We continuously strive to be innovative in our approach to
digital security and stay ahead of emerging threats.

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Our focus is on delivering impactful results that help
our clients to achieve their goals.

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We empower our clients to take control of their
digital security and safeguard their operations.

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Securing your Mission, Empowering your Impact

Our mission is to empower vulnerable civil society organizations with the knowledge, tools and support necessary to safeguard their data, systems and networks against cyber threats.

We are committed to providing accessible cybersecurity solutions, customized to meet the specific needs of our clients. We understand that for civil society organizations, the security of sensitive data and digital assets is critical to their ability to carry out their missions and serve their communities. This is why we are dedicated to providing them with the highest level of protection against cyber threats, while also helping them to navigate the rapidly evolving landscape of cloud computing.

Our team

Our expert Team ensures trust and ability in providing Comprehensive Digital Security solutions for vulnerable Civil Society Organizations.

team member

Laura Tich

CEO/ Co-Founder
team member

Michael Koske

Senior Security Engineer
team member

Mo Jarju

Project Manager
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Secure your Impact

Take your Digital Security to the next level and stay ahead of evolving threats with our customized services.

Get started